flawless integration
Acuity AV can deliver a fully integrated Digital Signage Solution from the hardware and installation to the content creation and management.

Digital Signage has become one of the most efficient mediums to communicate information and data to a desired, target audience. These devices are in our airports, restaurants, hotels, universities, doctor’s offices, shopping malls, and corporate environments.
Digital signage is everywhere, so why not include it in your business. The only downfall of digital signage is waiting to long. People want to see something interesting and new and with innovative technology such as digital signage you can deliver exactly that.
Alongside the help of digital signage you are allowing your business to shine brighter than its competitors. With creative and eye catching content you will easily exceed at grabbing future clients attention which is the first step to a new sale.
Digital Signage has been shown to help businesses immensely. You not only feel better about the content you put out but your audience will as well. One of the biggest benefits is that digital signage has been directly linked to higher impulse purchases.
Brands often report significant increase in sales after implementing digital signage. Digital content will drive customers to commit more in store purchase while spending more time browsing. Thus leaving greater opportunities for expansion and financial profits.
With the implementation of digital content into your advertising you leave room for more personal interaction between clients. With most of the information being displayed for you it takes away the hassle of explaining products to consumers.
Customers that are exposed to digital signage report being 46% more satisfied with their experience. This goes hand in hand with the reduction of wait time that customers have to endure when making purchases.
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